Yıldız Bayazitoğlu akademisyen Prof. Dr. Yıldız Bayazitoğlu ODTÜ mezunu
1967 yılında ODTÜ'den mezun oldu. Yüksek lisans ve doktorasını Michigan Üniversitesi'nde yaptı. Bilimsel teknik dergilerde ve konferanslarda tebliğ olarak sunduğu 150'den fazla makalesi var. Kore diline de çevrilen 'Isı Transferinin Elementleri' isimli üniversite ders kitabını yazdı. Ulusal Eğitimci Ödülü, Rice Üniversitesi George R. Brown Üstün Eğitim Ödülü, Hershel M. Rich Seçkin Buluş Ödülü, Julia Mile Eğitimde Mükemmellik Ödülü ve ABD Makina Mühendisleri Derneği'nin, geleneksel 'Isı Transfer Hatıra Ödülü gibi birçok ödülü bulunuyor. Uluslararası Termal Bilimler Dergisi'nin editörlüğünü yürütüyor.
Dr. Bayazitoglu joined Rice University, Houston, in 1977 and, since 1996, has been Harry S. Cameron Chair professor of mechanical engineering in the department of mechanical engineering and materials science. Previously, she was assistant professor at the Middle East Technical University in Turkey (1973-74) and was a visiting assistant professor at the University of Houston (1975-76). She received her bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering at Middle East Technical University (Ankara, Turkey) in 1967. She earned her master's and doctoral degrees in mechanical engineering at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 1969 and 1974, respectively and she was a Barbour fellow. She is a a Fellow of ASME as well as a Fellow of AAAS.
She has made contributions to radiation and convective heat transfer, phase-change heat transfer, thermophysical property determination, and solar collector design and analysis. Her current research interests include container-less processing of materials, solution to electromagnetic radiation equation, molecular dynamics studies for nano heat transfer, micro-channel fluid and heat transfer, and bio heat transfer.
Bayazitoglu has more than 170 publications in technical journals and conference proceedings, and authored an undergraduate textbook, Elements of Heat Transfer (McGraw Hill Higher Education, 1988), which has been translated into Korean. She holds three patents. She has been a keynote and invited speaker, and is a reviewer of several journals and government research funding agencies in the areas of heat transfer, fluid flow, radiation and energy. She is the editor in chief (Americas) of the International Journal of Thermal Sciences, published by Elsevier; and associate editor of Thermal Science and Engineering, published by the Heat Transfer Society of Japan. She served on the editorial board of the Journal of Materials Processing and Manufacturing Science, published by SAGE Publications.
As a Fellow of ASME, Bayazitoglu was chair of the ASME Heat Transfer Division (HTD) Executive Committee during 2003-2004. She was the co-chair of the 2004 ASME Heat Transfer/Fluids Engineering Summer Conference in Charlotte, N.C. As vice chair during 2002, she edited eight HTD proceedings of the 2002 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. She served as chair of HTD Honors and Awards Committee (1997) and was HTD liaison to the Energy Sources Technology Conference and Exhibition (1993-96), and served as an associate technical editor of the Journal of Heat Transfer.
Bayazitoglu is an elected member of the Scientific Council of the International Center for Heat and Mass Transfer; a member of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) and was selected to be the National Chair of Women in Academia in 1999; and a member of the American Institute of Astronautics and Aeronautics, where she served two terms on the Thermophysics Committee. She was a member of the United States Scientific Committee for the 11th and 12th International Heat Transfer Conferences in Seoul, Korea (1988) and Grenoble, France (2002), respectively, and was keynote lecturer at the 2002 conference. She has also served as an organizing committee member for several national and international conferences.
Her honors include SWE Distinguished Educator Award (1997); Rice University Brown Superior Teaching Award (1999); in 2002, Rice University Outstanding College Associate Award, Hershel M. Rich Outstanding Invention Award and Graduate Student Association Teaching/Mentoring Award; and, in 2003, Rice University Chance Teaching Prize. In 2004 Bayazitoglu received the ASME society-wide Heat Transfer Memorial Award recognizing her outstanding contributions to the field of heat transfer, specifically for pioneering contributions to fundamental radiative heat transfer, thermal effects in materials processing, and microscale heat transfer; and for leadership in engineering education and for outstanding service to the heat transfer community. In 2005 she received the Rice University Faculty Impact Award and 2005 Rice University Presidential Mentoring Award.
Türk bilim adamı Bayazitoğlu'na ödül CNNTURK 3 Mayıs 2005
Prof. Dr. Yıldız Bayazitoğlu, ODTÜ mezunu ABD Makina Mühendisleri Derneği'nin, geleneksel 'Isı Transfer Hatıra Ödülü'nü, Prof. Dr. Yıldız Bayazıtoğlu aldı.
Bu ödülü alan ilk Türk olan Bayazitoğlu, çalışmalarını 1977 yılından bu yana ABD'deki Rice Üniversitesi'nde sürdürüyor.
Prof. Dr. Yıldız Bayazıtoğlu, son 45 yılda bu ödüle layık görülen yaklaşık 90 kişi arasına girmeyi başardı.
Bayazitoğlu, radyoaktivite ısı transferi, malzemelerin işlenmesinde termal etkiler, mikro ölçekli ısı transferi ve mühendislik eğitiminde gösterdiği başarıyla bu ödülü aldı.
Prof.Dr. Bayazitoğlu'nun bilimsel teknik dergilerde ve konferanslarda tebliğ olarak sunduğu 150'den fazla makalesi ve Kore diline de çevrilen 'Isı Transferinin Elementleri' isimli üniversite ders kitabı da bulunuyor.
Bayazitoğlu'nun, Ulusal Eğitimci Ödülü, Rice Üniversitesi George R. Brown Üstün Eğitim Ödülü, Hershel M. Rich Seçkin Buluş Ödülü, Julia Mile Eğitimde Mükemmellik Ödülü gibi birçok ödülü bulunuyor.
ODTÜ'den 1967 yılında mezun olan Prof. Dr. Bayazitoğlu, yüksek lisans ve doktorasını ise Michigan Üniversitesi'nde yaptı.
Bayazitoğlu, Uluslararası Termal Bilimler Dergisi'nin editörlüğünü de yürütüyor.